Thursday, August 23, 2012

BOOKLET -- Semana Santa at Voz Que Clama Mission

This booklet was created to be emailed only, to cut down on costs. The clients provided lots of interesting photos to work with, the overall theme and design was fun to create.

Friday, August 17, 2012

BANNER -- Bonnet House Display for Fort Lauderdale International Airport

This was a display created for the Bonnet House Museum and Gardens in Fort Lauderdale. The sign was several feet tall and installed in the Fort Lauderdale International Airport to attract the attention of national and international visitors.

MENU -- Anglesea Pub and Restaurant

The place mat style menu was created for a local family friendly restaurant in South Florida. The prices and options change on a regular basis. The menu was created in a program that the restaurant staff can access for making changes on-site.

BUSINESS CARD -- Adderly Development

A modern business card design I created a few years ago.

FLYER -- Gimnasio Olympia

Flyer was created for a business here in Turrialba. The photos were provided by the client and the logo was updated for a cleaner look.

INVITATION -- Starry Starry Night Email

This invitation was created for a neighborhood fundraiser, it was emailed to anyone they thought might want to attend, including local city officials and members of the media as well as neighborhood residents. It was a great way to enjoy Halloween!

FLYER -- Fiesta de Comida VQC

A flyer I created for a fundraiser a few years ago, I really enjoyed creating this piece and the event was a great success. The final result was printed in gray-scale on brightly colored paper, but the design was originally done in color for basic white paper.